• Why Choose Solar Over Gas for Your Pool Heater?


    Even though you might like to use your pool to escape the heat, it’s still nice to keep your water at a comfortable temperature so you don’t go from being too warm to being too cold. If you want to do this as economically as you can, you might want to look into residential solar panels in Ocala, FL. Solar energy offers a plethora of benefits that alternatives like gas power can’t live up to. Take a look ahead to see why choosing solar over gas for your pool heater might be the way to go.

    Sometimes gas heaters come with a cheaper upfront price tag than solar heaters, convincing consumers that they’re getting a better deal by going with gas. In other cases, however, solar heaters are the ones boasting the cheaper prices. Regardless of how much you initially spend on your unit, you should be aware of the massive potential for savings that a solar pool heater can offer. Rather than paying for gas each month, you’ll enjoy your heat for no cost at all thanks to the sun. Additionally, sunlight is a resource that we are not in danger of running out of, and it’s perfectly safe to use.

    Pool Heater


  • Signs You Would Benefit from a Solar Pool Heater

    The idea of taking advantage of solar water heating in The Villages, FL, is growing in popularity. Because of this, it’s no surprise that solar pool heaters are also becoming more widespread. The following are a few signs that you might benefit from having a solar pool heater:

    solar pool heaters

    You want to extend your family’s pool season.

    Individuals who enjoy getting the most out of their backyard swimming pool have a good reason to install a solar water heating system. In many locations, families end up closing their pools for the cooler seasons by September or October. Choosing to install a solar pool heater, however, can allow you to continue enjoying your swimming pool into the fall months. By keeping it warmer for longer, you and your family can get even more enjoyment from your swimming pool.

    You want to get the most out of your swimming pool.

    In addition to warming your pool as the weather cools down, solar pool heaters can do even more to benefit your family. More often, your household will be able to enjoy your swimming pool at night when the air gets a bit chillier. Also, the heater will raise the pool to a more comfortable temperature earlier in the spring. When your pool is warmer for more of the time, then you and your family can potentially experience more fun, exercise, and backyard family gatherings.

    You want to pay less for utilities.

    If you already know that you want to heat your pool but are trying to decide between a solar and gas-powered system, then there are a few factors to consider. In many cases, installation of a solar-powered heater can cost less than that of a gas-powered one. Also, once you have a solar heater, you get to enjoy free solar energy. Gas, on the other hand, is something that you’ll be paying additional costs for every month. Finally, if you live in a climate that gets plenty of sun, then it can make more sense to choose a solar-powered pool heater.

  • How to Choose a Solar Pool Heating System

    The summer season has arrived, and now is a great time to think about switching over to a solar pool heater. When you use solar energy to heat your pool, you will be able to keep your pool water at a comfortable temperature, while also relying on clean energy for your pool heating needs. There are several factors to consider when you are shopping for solar systems in The Villages, FL . First, you will want to evaluate what size of solar pool heater will be necessary for your pool. For example, if you have a very large pool, you will want to shop for a larger solar pool heating system. Additionally, you will also want to make sure that your solar pool heater is up to the codes and regulations that are in place through your city or county authorities. If you have questions about solar pool heating, a solar company in your area can provide you with additional information.

    Solar Pool Heating System

  • Answering Consumer Questions About Solar Pool Heating

    When you install a solar pool heater near Claremont, Leesburg, or North Central Florida , you can use your pool comfortably all year long. Solar water heating for your pool is much less expensive, more energy-efficient, and more environmentally friendly than other pool heating systems. Here are the answers to some common consumer questions about solar pool heating systems.

    How do Solar Pool Heating Systems Work? Solar Pool Heating
    A solar pool heater pumps water from your pool into specialized solar tubes. These solar tubes heat the water using clean, alternative solar energy collected from the heat from the sun. This warm water is then pumped back into the pool to heat the pool. In the hottest months of the summer, a solar pool heating system can even cool the water in your pool. You can set the solar heater’s control unit to the desired water temperature that you want for your pool. The solar power system’s sensors then detect changes in solar energy, activating the solar pool heater when conditions are optimal for heating the pool’s water.

    What are the Benefits of a Solar Pool Heater?
    A solar pool heater keeps your pool’s water at a comfortable temperature year-round. This means that you and your family can enjoy your pool more often and during months that it would normally be too cold to swim. Solar pool heating is also a less expensive initial investment than an electric or gas pool heater. Once your solar pool heating system is installed, you will be receiving free solar energy and solar power from the sun.

    Do Solar Pool Heaters Require Special Maintenance?
    Once your solar pool heating system is installed, it won’t require any special maintenance. You have the option of turning the solar heater off when you don’t want to use it, and with an automatic draining system there is no need to shut off and drain the solar panels and solar tubes in the winter to protect them from freezing. A solar pool heating system can last for 15 to 20 years, and some even last for more than 20 years.

  • Maximizing the Potential of Your Solar Pool Heater

    When you install solar pool heating in Clermont or North Central Florida , you have the opportunity to take advantage of all of the benefits of solar energy. Swimming pools can dramatically increase your utility bills, particularly your electricity or gas bills if you have a hot tub or heated pool. Solar pool heaters will reduce your energy bills, and extend the amount of time that you have to enjoy your pool.

    Solar pool heaters use renewable energy to maintain a comfortable water temperature year-round. When you maintain your solar pool heating system, you will ensure that it lasts as long as possible. It will also add value to your home if you decide to sell.

    To maximize the solar power of your solar pool heater, you should cover your pool at night during the winter months with an insulating cover. This will hold the pool’s heat in and make your solar pool heater even more energy efficient. During the hottest months of the year and the sunniest parts of the day, you can run your solar pool heater to cool your pool down if needed, and enjoy year-round comfort in your pool.

    Pool and solar collectors for water heating

  • Maintenance Tips for Your Solar Pool Heater

    If you live in North Central Florida, odds are you have a swimming pool in your backyard. And if you have a swimming pool, you know how much pool heating can cost you each month. Fortunately, there’s an affordable alternative way to keep your pool warm all year long. A residential solar pool heater eliminates all pool heating costs and keeps your pool at the perfect temperature well into the fall and winter months. A properly installed solar pool heating system can last up to 15 years with proper care. And while professionally installed solar pool heaters require very little maintenance, there are some simple steps you can take to ensure your solar pool heating system stays in top shape.

    Regular Pool Maintenance Solar Pool Heater maintenance
    The most important part about maintaining a solar pool heating system is simply maintaining your pool and the filtration system as you normally would. The filter should be cleaned as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure adequate flow is supplied to the solar collectors, and the pool’s pH and chlorine levels must be maintained within the specified limits.

    Touch Test
    You should check the solar heating system for proper operation at the beginning of each swimming season. A properly operating solar pool heating system should feel cool to the touch. If the solar collector feels unusually warm, contact the solar company in North Central Florida that installed the system and schedule a professional inspection by a trained solar technician.

    Although the swimming season in North Central Florida practically extends all year, it is recommended that the panels be shut off during a hard freeze. This ensures trouble-free performance for years to come during the normal times of the year when you and your family will most likely be enjoying your swimming pool. A solar company in Clermont or the surrounding area can provide a winterization service for a small fee.

  • A Guide to How Solar Pool Heaters Work

    If you are the owner of swimming pool, you may be looking for a way to cut back on your monthly energy costs. With a solar pool heater, you can harness the energy of sunlight to heat your pool to a warm, comfortable temperature. Solar energy is a renewable resource that can be used year round in the state of Florida. By working with a company offering solar pool heater installation near Gainesville , you will be able to install an energy efficient unit for your pool. Here is a quick look at how solar pool heating systems work.

    Solar Collector solar pool heater
    One of the primary components of a solar pool heater is a solar collector. This device draws in water from your pool and uses the heat of the sun’s rays to raise the temperature of the water. Once the water has been heated, it is pumped back into your pool. If you live in an area that gets hot during the day, your solar collector can also be used to cool your pool water.

    Automatic Valve
    In order to regulate the temperature of your pool, your solar pool heater may also be equipped with an automatic valve. The valve is equipped with a sensor that can gauge the temperature of your pool water. If your pool water is at a comfortable temperature, the valve will divert water away from the solar collector and back into your pool.

    Collector System Materials
    Depending on the climate in your area, your solar collector may be fabricated from different types of materials. In places where temperatures dip below freezing, the collector needs to be a solid body collector. The solid body design will insulate the water as it travels through the collector producing much warmer pool water. In warmer climates, separated tube solar collectors may be a good choice. Your solar pool heater professional can help you choose the collector that is right for your area.

  • A Look at Solar Pool Heaters

    One of the benefits of living in Clermont, The Villages, or any of the surrounding cities in Central Florida is the remarkable number of warm, sunny days each year. This means the swimming season in Central Florida can be remarkably longer than in other parts of the country when you extend your swimming season with a solar pool heater. An affordable alternative to gas or electric pool heating system, solar pool heaters eliminate pool heating costs by harnessing the free heat and energy from the sun. Solar pool heaters can also help control overheating of pool water in the summer months.

    If you want to triple your swimming season while significantly reducing your pool ownership and operation costs, get in touch with a residential solar energy company in Clermont to learn more about the benefits of solar pool heating. A solar company will design and install a custom solar pool heating system to meet the unique water heating needs of your pool.

    Solar Pool Heaters

  • Comparison Between Gas & Solar Pool Heaters

    Gas & Solar Pool Heater Comparison Although Florida’s weather is famously warm all year long, you still need a pool heater if you want to go for a swim in comfortable water most of the year. Generally, without a heater the temperature of the water will not be higher than the nighttime low. Many people use solar pool heating systems in Clermont because solar energy is inexpensive and safer to use than gas.

    Compared to gas heaters, solar pool heating has a low monthly cost—after installation, it is completely cost-free. Solar pool heating systems also allow you to cool the pool down in the middle of summer if the water is too hot. Also, going solar is a much more environmentally friendly option. The gas that other pool heaters run on needs to be extracted from the earth and pumped to your home via municipal gas lines. Solar pool heating panels, which are installed on your roof, are unobtrusive and when properly cared for can last for decades.

  • Get the Most from Your Pool with Solar Heating

    To take advantage of the excellent Florida weather, follow the lead of thousands of homeowners who have already installed solar pool heating systems in Clermont . A pool heater allows you to swim year-round, and by taking advantage of solar energy it won’t even add to your utility bills. Solar pool heaters can even help cool your pool down at the height of summer when the water temperature may be hotter than you prefer. Read below to learn more about how solar pool heating works.

    Pool Heater Principles
    Solar pool heaters are simpler than the solar power energy cells that provide electricity to many homes in the Villages. Your existing pool pump circulates water from the pool through large collectors, which are usually mounted on the roof of your home. As the water flows through the collectors, it is naturally warmed by the sun’s energy, just like the water inside a garden hose on a sunny day.

    Solar Pool Heating in Clermont Pool Heater Sizing
    The size of the solar collectors you will need to properly heat your pool depends on several factors: the size of your pool, the length of the swimming season you want, and the climate. In North Central Florida, you can have a year-round swimming season with a properly sized solar collector. Generally, this means that the total surface area of your solar energy collectors should equal the total surface area of your pool. The larger your collector is, the longer your swimming season will be.

    Pool Heater Installation and Life Span
    You should have a company that is experienced with residential solar energy solutions install your solar pool heating system to ensure that the system is working in its most efficient manner so you may get the most out of your swimming experience. Also, experienced professionals will determine where to install the solar collectors by determining which areas of your home have the best sun exposure. A correctly installed solar pool heating system will provide you with warm water in your pool for up to 20 years.