Shining a Light on Sun Bandit [Infographic]

Shining a Light on Sun Bandit [Infographic]

Using a hot water heater requires a significant amount of energy, which is costly for the environment and for you. Solar energy offers an alternative way to heat water without the environmental impact and energy costs, and now there is a new way to harness solar energy for hot water heating: Sun Bandit. The Sun Bandit system harnesses the sun’s energy for solar water heating that is completely off the grid. You can use it in conjunction with your existing hot water heater to preheat your water and reduce the amount of work your heater has to do, or you can convert to Sun Bandit completely and use it for all of your solar hot water needs. Learn more about Sun Bandit in this infographic from Solar Lights & More. We offer a variety of solutions for solar power in The Villages and Ocala, FL. Please share this information to help others understand the energy-saving potential of Sun Bandit solar water heating.

Shining a Light on Sun Bandit [Infographic]